你女儿在澳门新葡新京官方的经历和她发展的人际关系将教会她,在世界上有很多不同的方式成为一个女孩. At the end of her time in the 较低的学校, 她将会走在发现自己应该成为的那个女孩的道路上,并且有信心成为那个女孩. Simply put, The Ellis School is a place where girls soar.
低年级数学课程的主要目标是让学生看到数学是更好地理解和解释他们周围世界的工具. Ellis students achieve a level of conceptual understanding 这使他们能够解决复杂的问题,并将他们的解决方案清晰而令人信服地传达给他人. Key features of the 较低的学校 mathematics program include:
We know girls learn best when concepts are grounded in real-world problem-solving. 让学生参与解决问题的过程是澳门新葡新京官方数学课程的主要重点. By introducing students to challenges that are resolved using mathematical tools, without providing any obvious strategy, teachers build their capacity for analysis, logical reasoning, and creative thinking. 低年级女生有机会在有意义的环境中探索她们的数学知识和技能的应用,这鼓励她们欣赏数学的相关性和有用性. 通常,老师会向学生提出需要合作和讨论的问题. Students have the opportunity to 解释 their ideas, listen to the ideas of others, and challenge each other’s thinking. 当他们分享, 解释, 并证明他们的策略——那些有效的和不有效的——学生们对数学的理解和对自己能力的信心都得到了增强.
The ability to recognize and analyze patterns, categorize and classify, 表示关系是理解世界的强大数学工具. From pre-kindergarten through grade 4, Ellis girls make mathematical discoveries by 调查他们在颜色、形状、声音、数字和字母中发现的模式. Teachers provide ample opportunities for students to analyze, 扩展, 并构建各种模式,运用基于模式的思维来分析和解决问题. These explorations build mathematical understanding and confidence in girls. When solving a complex problem, 老师们经常建议学生们试着解决这个问题的简单版本, observe what happens in a few specific cases, and use that pattern to solve the original problem. 那些善于寻找模式并分析它们来解决问题的学生,更有能力应对更高层次的数学概念. 代数和几何的大多数主要原理都是对数字和形状模式的概括.
Because girls are firmly rooted in the physical world, mathematical learning must begin with concrete experiences. 在教师连接和建立学生现有知识基础的过程中,学习从已知(具体)到未知(抽象). 学生通过动手操作来构建抽象数学概念和过程的认知模型. 图形表示是教师用来建立概念理解的另一种数学工具. 例如, kindergarten students learn the number bond, 哪个是数字之间部分-部分-整体关系的图形表示, before introducing addition or subtraction symbols. In grades 3 and 4, girls tackle challenging word problems using Bar Modeling, which breaks down problems into 视觉 representations, enabling students to conceptualize and strategize solutions to complex problems. 模型和可视化表示允许学生创建和巩固他们自己对为什么数学是这样工作的理解.
Our language arts program respects the fact that children become readers and writers at their own pace. 我们知道我们的学生是独特的个体,他们拥有不同的能力和学习方式. We utilize a variety of methods to meet the needs of our learners including:
Our teachers meet with students one-on-one to listen to them read aloud, discuss their reading and writing, re-teach or reinforce a lesson, 设定目标. 由于会议的个性化,它对学生的进步至关重要. 因为我们邀请学生按照自己的节奏工作,作为读者和作家,他们的经历有很多不同的地方, they need different kinds of teaching to support that individual work. 和一位花时间进行深思熟虑的谈话的老师坐在一起,会向学生传达这样的信息:她是一个认真的读者和作家,我们重视她的努力.
我们结合多种感官技术,为学生创造难忘的学习体验. 我们的方法, which engages four learning pathways—auditory, 视觉, 触觉, 动觉——导致更深层次的更有影响力的学习,因为它激活了大脑的多个部分,并创造了更多的认知联系. 我们的学生表现出集中的注意力和注意力,当他们整个身体在多感官学习. 无论是在沙子上写字来创造触觉记忆,还是在空中写字来创造肌肉记忆, our students are focused on their learning.
Our students enjoy ample opportunities to read to each other, share their writing with one another, and present their ideas through informal discussion and formal projects. In addition to practicing and reinforcing speaking and listening skills, peer interaction increases student accountability for the learning experience. Rather than depending on the teacher to lead the way, students ask each other questions, provide constructive feedback, and make suggestions. 学生欣赏他们的差异,因为他们体验到课堂上每个人如何以自己的方式为学习环境做出贡献.
During the literacy block, 我们增加了教室里教师的人数,并把学生分成几个教学小组. Having a low student to teacher ratio allows us to closely monitor student progress. Through observation and assessment, 教师收集有关学习者的信息,并以有针对性的指导回应,满足学生的需求,同时提供适当的挑战.
Head of 较低的学校
敏锐地意识到年轻学习者的社会情感需求,以及提供适合发展的课程的需求, 低年级教师创造教室环境,让每个女孩茁壮成长. Ellis girls love school, form lasting friendships, 承担风险, and become creative and independent thinkers. Because the 较低的学校 program is inquiry-based, essential questions drive the learning for our students. Questions and exploration lead to innovative solutions. We see the Arts and STEM subjects as interconnected, 使我们的方法在艺术和科学方面同样具有吸引力和严谨,并允许我们的学生在各个学科领域建立联系. 我们专注于体验式项目,这些项目可以加深对女孩生活的理解,并与女孩的生活真正相关. Through this framework, even our youngest students make comparisons, see relationships, and develop complex thinking. Our girls learn to work in teams, respect other ways of knowing, 并学会有效地使用各种技术工具,提高他们的学习,并允许他们与他人分享他们所知道的.